

今天是天城教會自1993年開始聚會後又一個里程碑。18年前BCTC 10個家庭,因感受到RT 17 以東靠近FL區華人福音的需要,就在Tenafly開始了家庭聚會 ; 幾個月後奇妙的借用了長老會的教堂開始了下午堂的聚會。為什麼說奇妙呢? 因為是長老會的女牧師主動與我們聯絡的 她當時剛從中國領養孩子回來,對華人福音的需要有負擔,等一下看照片就知道其妙之處 ; 1995年林三綱弟兄來幫助我們,接著 1996 年當時在加州傳福音的徐華弟兄告訴我們Teaneck Women’s Club要賣的消息,又在神奇妙的引導與供應之下,當時 60 多位的弟兄姊妹買下並改建而成為今天聚會的場地。1997年我辭去工程師從帶職事奉成為全職事奉。18 年來我們中間有四個家庭蒙召成為全職的傳道人,也有10多個搬離我們的家庭在大陸、美國各處被主重用,成為當地教會的主要同工18 年前兒童主日學的孩子們已經成為職業青年,結婚,成家並將成為英文聚會的骨幹,為此深深的敬拜神




1.  教堂的聖潔不是因為它的建築物,而是因為使用它的人以及使用它的目的


     告,它已經成為敬拜聚會的地方 ; 弟兄姊妹在此禱告、交流、關懷、事奉使它




2.  教會應該要傳福音造就門徒增加對社區的服事。18年來我們在對華人傳福




     服事除了供應食物給需要的遊民以外幾乎沒有太多的參與 ;但是感謝主我們

     中間有年輕人弟兄(Michael, Gerald)對附近的高中生有負擔,我們的教堂也借給

     Young Life及中文學校使用,稍微對社區有些服事。至於宣教方面這十幾年來慢



     (Theresa, Jonas, Jonathan, William )先後到中國及台灣短宣,去年 我和David

      大學生(Gloria, Caleb,)也到機會一起到中國配搭服事,今年更有兩位執事家庭願


 3.  接下來看幾張老相片來回顧及感恩



Vision of EBCC English Ministry                                 1/30/2011


Before the Vision (background):  picture from 1994 (Michael, Danny, Roger and Jackson, when they were in 13/14 years’ old – members of the original youth group).


These four young men graduated from college in 2002 & 2003 respectively. They “all” came home, either pursuing further education or started their working career near home. They also returned to their spiritual home, here, where they spent the adolescence years. They, along with others that followed, gave our church something very precious - a group that we never had, but at the same time also presented a reality to the leaders as how to serve this age group, called young adults. Two of the young men are still serving at our church as we speak. (If Either/both Danny & Roger can come, I shall mention them too).


The vision of an English Ministry began to put a burden on us as our congregation started to pray for divine guidance.


Since 2005, we added an extra bi-lingual service each month (2 instead of 1). In 2007, Rev. Krentel joined our team and served as the mentor for the young adults’ group.


Part of our thanksgiving is for the construction and completion of the 3rd floor, as space is a realistic need. But the focal point has always been on “ministry”. In the course of time, God revealed to us that an English Ministry is not meant for a particular age group, it is to serve all English speaking individuals and families; all families, not just the English-speaking family members of our own church, to bring them to know Jesus, to receive the gift of Salvation, to love them as Jesus loved us, to build them up, to protect them and to make leaders out of them.


Let us give all the glory to the Lord Almighty!



Message                    Pattern for Ministry                 David Krentel                             

                                     Acts 20:28       Teach/protect

                                     I Thes 2:8   Give self

                                     2 Timothy 2:2    Generational discipleship