
                                                            Elisha and the iron axe head that fell



壹.    以利亞與以利沙  Elijah and Elisha

預表受死與復活的基督  Foreshadow the death and resurrection of Christ


貳.    以利沙與其門徒 四件小事 

Elisha and his servants – four minor episodes


一.    一門徒死去卻欠債 (1-7) An indebted servant who died (2Ki 4:1-7)

倒一瓶油在器皿中  Oil poured into jars

二.    先知門徒煮野瓜有毒 (38-41)  A servant cooked deadly gourds

(2Ki 4:38-41)

將麵撒在鍋中  Put flour into the pot

三.    二十個大麥餅給一百人吃飽 (42-44)  Feed a hundred men with twenty loaves of barley bread (2Ki 4:42-44)

四.    漂上掉落的斧頭 (1-7)  Make the iron axe head float (2Ki 6:1-7)


參.    解決實際的需要 (1-4)  Resolve realistic needs (2Ki 6:1-4)

一.    實際的需要 所住的地方過於窄小

Realistic need – meeting place is too small

二.    解決的作法 砍伐木頭來建造

Means to resolve – cut poles to build

三.    解決的關鍵 請以利沙同去

Key to resolution – invite Elisha to come along


肆.    斧頭掉落 (5)  The axe head fell (2Ki 6:5a)

一.    斧頭 砍伐木頭主要的工具

Axe head – a major tool to cut down trees

二.    不幸的疏忽 斧頭掉落

An unfortunate mishap – the axe head fell


伍.    門徒的反應 (5-6)  The reaction of the servant (2Ki 6:5b-6a)

一.    求告 主只向求告祂的人顯出神蹟

Pleading – the Lord only manifests miracles to those who called on His name.


二.    所表現的品格 雖貧窮而借來卻負責

Character showed – borrowing out of poverty yet showed responsibility

三.    指出掉落的地點

Pointing out the location of fall


陸.    以利沙的神蹟 (6-7)  The miracles of Elisha (2Ki 6b-7)

一.    砍下一根木頭抛下 十字架的作為

Cutting down a stick and throwing it down – the work of the Cross

二.    復活的大能 斧頭漂上

The power of Resurrection – the iron floats

三.    人的配合 伸手拿起

The partnership of man – reaching out the hand and takes it