NT Pattern for Giving

To whom do we give?  2 Cor8:5


Who should give? 3 John 7;  2 Cor8:14-18


Why should God people give?

 1. Giving is an obligation. 2 Cor8:1-15

 2. Giving is a privilege.2 Cor8:4,9  ; Acts 20:35

 3. Giving is one dimension of our stewardship. Luke 16:1-13

 4. Giving is an act of worship. Heb 9:1-10

 5. Giving is an investment in heaven.  Mat 6:19-21; Luke 16:1-13

 6. Giving is an act of self-sacrifice. Rom 12:1-2

 7. Giving is an expression of brotherly love Mat 25:31-46;  

     Acts 2:42-47


誰應該奉獻? 約翰三書7;林後八:14-18


1.      奉獻是義務  林後八:1-15

2.      奉獻是權利  林後八:4,9; 徒二十:35

3.      奉獻是管家的職務  路十六:1-13

4.      奉獻是敬拜的行為  來九:1-10

5.      奉獻是天上的投資  太六:19-21; 路十六1-13

6.      奉獻是自我犠牲的行為 羅十二1-2

7.      奉獻是弟兄之愛的表現  太廿五:31-46; 徒二42-47